SyifaOnlineDiaries ♥
"You gonna miss me when im gone" (Gitewww)
Thursday 26 November 2015 ?0 Awesome People?
Bonjour ! The school session is over gais. So im having like very very very long holiday to spent ! Almost 9 months. What? Yes 9 months. Even sampai ada certain my friends cakap "Kalau hg menikah la, hg dah boleh beranak dalam masa 9 bulan tu Cipak" Hahahaha wth.

I got no idea what to do sepanjang 9 months tu, A few of my friends and siblings suggest me to find a job. And that was in my plan. But idk what kind of job that is suite with me. Cashier? No way ! I ni jenis yg having low self confidence tau. I mcm takut takut nk berdepan dgn org ramai, Idk why. I need to do transformation of myself before entering to the Uni. Yes I HAVE TO !

Okay lets get into topic gais. Intro pun dh bapak berjela punya panjang hihi Biane.
Soooo, this year acah acah mcm Final year lah kan fr me as Pre Uni students (bajet duk U). Tbh banyak kenangan yg mcm tertulis, terlakar, tercontiang (Conteng in Kedah Version) sepanjang menjadi Lower and upper Six kat SMK Yan. Haa lower upper engkau dan mcm lagu wi are, wi wi are dh rasanya. Paham dak lagu tu? Haha its Up & down song (Exid). So sepanjang menjalankan tanggungjawab sbg seoarang pelajar kt situ banyak pengalaman yg aku lalui baik suka mahupun duka (bersastera gitu kau jah)

For me this is a very precious memory that ive had in my entire life. Meet the girls and guy yg bapak gila sporting gelak tak tentu hala, korek hidung, kentut, tanya berak dak lagi harini tanpa ada perasaan segan silu.Itu baru nama dia Friendship Goals. Kan? 

Tipulah cakap kalau tk sedih dengan perpisahan yg terjadi ni (ceh ayat mcm baru lepas break hahaha nyampah I). Yalah after this semua mesti dh bawak haluan masing masing kan? Ada yg bercita cita to be a teacher, a chef, a police, a navy, a lect, a psychology and ada jugak yg berangan nk jadi PM okay (semoga tak lame mcm Menteri yg ada skrg ni ops) so waktu tu dh tkda dh nk rasa apa yg kita lalui masa ni, Sebab tu org cakap hargailah zaman persekolahan sebab zaman tu paling bermakna yg boleh bg hg ingat sampai bila bila ! Serious I can feel it tho !

And yaa for remembering our cool memories that we hv create, i managed myself to make a video featuring me and my classmate. Nti rindu rindu bolehla bukak tgok video ni (walaupun entah apa apa) hm feeling lah pulak tetiba, Hahahaha i hate this kind of feeling ! So good luck guys where ever you are, you guys are awesome I SWEAR ! 
ENJOY and much love from me.

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

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Bonjour ! The school session is over gais. So im having like very very very long holiday to spent ! Almost 9 months. What? Yes 9 months. Even sampai ada certain my friends cakap "Kalau hg menikah la, hg dah boleh beranak dalam masa 9 bulan tu Cipak" Hahahaha wth.

I got no idea what to do sepanjang 9 months tu, A few of my friends and siblings suggest me to find a job. And that was in my plan. But idk what kind of job that is suite with me. Cashier? No way ! I ni jenis yg having low self confidence tau. I mcm takut takut nk berdepan dgn org ramai, Idk why. I need to do transformation of myself before entering to the Uni. Yes I HAVE TO !

Okay lets get into topic gais. Intro pun dh bapak berjela punya panjang hihi Biane.
Soooo, this year acah acah mcm Final year lah kan fr me as Pre Uni students (bajet duk U). Tbh banyak kenangan yg mcm tertulis, terlakar, tercontiang (Conteng in Kedah Version) sepanjang menjadi Lower and upper Six kat SMK Yan. Haa lower upper engkau dan mcm lagu wi are, wi wi are dh rasanya. Paham dak lagu tu? Haha its Up & down song (Exid). So sepanjang menjalankan tanggungjawab sbg seoarang pelajar kt situ banyak pengalaman yg aku lalui baik suka mahupun duka (bersastera gitu kau jah)

For me this is a very precious memory that ive had in my entire life. Meet the girls and guy yg bapak gila sporting gelak tak tentu hala, korek hidung, kentut, tanya berak dak lagi harini tanpa ada perasaan segan silu.Itu baru nama dia Friendship Goals. Kan? 

Tipulah cakap kalau tk sedih dengan perpisahan yg terjadi ni (ceh ayat mcm baru lepas break hahaha nyampah I). Yalah after this semua mesti dh bawak haluan masing masing kan? Ada yg bercita cita to be a teacher, a chef, a police, a navy, a lect, a psychology and ada jugak yg berangan nk jadi PM okay (semoga tak lame mcm Menteri yg ada skrg ni ops) so waktu tu dh tkda dh nk rasa apa yg kita lalui masa ni, Sebab tu org cakap hargailah zaman persekolahan sebab zaman tu paling bermakna yg boleh bg hg ingat sampai bila bila ! Serious I can feel it tho !

And yaa for remembering our cool memories that we hv create, i managed myself to make a video featuring me and my classmate. Nti rindu rindu bolehla bukak tgok video ni (walaupun entah apa apa) hm feeling lah pulak tetiba, Hahahaha i hate this kind of feeling ! So good luck guys where ever you are, you guys are awesome I SWEAR ! 
ENJOY and much love from me.

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// Lighters Piano Version