SyifaOnlineDiaries ♥
Sunday 17 April 2016 ?0 Awesome People?
Its already 12.54 a.m....

I cant sleep so I suddenly decided to write a new post since its been quite long I didnt update my blog. I did not know where should I start first? There's a lot of thing that happened to me. Not really hahaha im just kidding. Lol

Okaylah back to reality I really need to write this post in Malay because i dont want you guys gelakkan aku sebab byk sgt grammar error or what. Okay lets get start !

Actually takdak la banyak benda pun jadi kat aku. Aku saja over. Cuma aku nk kongsi sikitla apa yg terjadi last month (MAC). Based on my previous entry I did post about my semester 3 result kan? And alhamdulillah guys. I DID IT !!! I got 3A and 1B which is 3.58 if im not mistaken. And after a few weeks my full result just release. And ALHAMDULILLAH again. Thanks ALLAH for giving me this oppurtunity for making my parents glad and proud of me. I got 3.67 for my STPM :)

I feel so blessed and grateful. Sejujurnya dulu aku tkdk hati pun kt form 6 ni. Aku qeyau kot time nk daftar tu hahahahaha. Aku jd mcm tu sbb tkdk kawan kot. Ya la surat tawaran dpt form 6 kt Astech tp jauh sangat wehhh. So my parents decide utk hantaq aku belajaq form 6 kt SMK YAN atas sebab dekat dgn rumah. So yaaa aku tamatkan suka duka aku sebagai seorang kanak kanak sekolah lagi di form 6 and yaa sekarang baru aku rasa syokkkkk gila belajaq kt situ. Alhamdulillah my school which is SMKY menjadi antara sekolah terbaik STPM 2015 KEDAH and no 1 kategori luar bandar Daerah KMY. Again i am sooooo proud to be a SMKY form 6 students. A big of thanks to our teachers yg tk putus putus bg kata kata semangat dan dorongan sehingga kami semua mampu ke tahap ini. Tidak lupa juga kepada mak abah kakak abang adik pakcik makcik datuk nenek semua ahli keluarga and rakan rakan seperjuangan yg mendoakan dan beri tunjuk ajar. Alhamdulillah terima kasih semua :')
So yaa thats it for this entry. I shall share with you guys a lottttt of stories on my next post (sebenaqnya tkdk idea dh nk tulis. Do forgive me. hihi)

Okay guys thanks sebab baca. Lot of lovesss 

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

Dear February...Please be nice to me :)
Monday 1 February 2016 ?0 Awesome People?
*Sat otak tengah duk pikiaq intro apa si writer ni nk tulis*
Okay just lets get started ! Hey guyssss its been awhile i didnt update any post on my blog. So yaa this is it ! A New Entry in a New Year which is 2016 !! ( Padahal harini dah masuk bulan February)
To be honest i didnt have any ideas on what im going to share with you guys. Serious talk i am a very lazy personnnnnnnn. Yasssss i admit it ! Regarding on my previous entry i did share with you guys that im going to find a job while im having in my very very very very very longgggggg gap while waiting for entering to the IPT in this September. Insyaallah ameen. Do pray for me people ! 
But then...yaaa its nothing. NOTHING bruh. I didnt force myself to wake uppppp and go find a job. But yaa me feels like so lazyyyyyyyy for searching a job because i did nt hv any transport fr going anywhere. Im so lame. Get it people? Okay im gonna shoot myself with a machine gun *crying*
So im still here laying on my bed while scrolling twitter, instagram, snapchat, checking on my whatsapp, telegram and so on until i get bored with all the stuff. Seriously i hv no life guys. So dont MARRY me ! Lol 
In addition, i would like to add on here that I HATE TOMMOROW !! Because tommorow the result of semester 3 would be announce !!!! Im getting so nervous like i have trillion butterflies chilling in my stomach (which i know this is too mainstream) I dont want to checking out my result. I really really fear the day of tommorow (Overrr-kan?) hm but that was a fact that i really hv to face it no matter what will happen with my result. I hope my result would be nice to me and everything would be fine. I reallyyyyyyyyyy hope that ! I want to make my parents proud of me again as i did my job when i was in semester 1. May the force be with you Syifaa Hahahahahahaha. I really hope that i can make my parents smile with my result again. I really hope. Besides Goodluck to all my friends and all STPM candidates fr the result tmrw. May Allah gives us a flying colours result which could makes our parents and our teachers proud of us. Insyaallah Ameen.
OK thats all for this entry. Till we meet again in another post. (Bajetttt ja lebih kan yang sebenarnya I malas nk update blog hahahahahahaha) OK bye. Lots of LOVE from me.
Assalamualaikum :)

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

Advertisement post hahahahaha weh aku taktau nak tulis apa tolong laaa !!
Tuesday 15 December 2015 ?0 Awesome People?
Hella fellas ! I didnt hv so much point on what i must wrote in this updated entry. Do give me some suggestion guys?

Rasa mcm nk bergiat aktif baliklah kat dunia blog ni since kawan kawan aku hat lain pun dh kembali berpijak ke alam nyata. Hahaha no i mean dah kembali terjebak dalam dunia blogger ini wuhuuu ! So update post ai nti tak perlu risau dhla sbb ada org yg baca kahkah

Since my blog quite boring so i decided utk bercakap pasai something lah kan abt isu semasa ka, beauty stuff ka, or apa apa jalah yg hadir dalam kepala otak ni (haaa gitew). Oh ya i still quite curious abt some blogger mcm Lyssa Faizureen yg dpt income abt RM XXXXX.00 dengan hanya tulis blog?I was like what the hell ! Babes tujuh angka kot mana mau cari?! Aku curious la jugak cmna dia boleh peroleh income dgn  hanya tulis blog? TULIS BLOG ONLY OKAY !!! Mungkin sbb followers dia ramai kot, gila bapak la followers dia dlm 60k something kat blog saja tau tak kira lagi yg follow dia kat Fan page, facebook and instagram. Oh im dying ! Kalau hg click kt dia punya link blog kan toksah kata la tiap masa ada blogwalkers. Kiranya blog dia ni tk pernah la tkdk org yg jenguk, Mesti ada punya wlpun hg bukak time 3-4 pagi mesti akan ada jugak 2-3 org yg blogwalking kt dia punya blog (fakta okay sbb aku selalu stalk dia haha)

Mungkin dia dpt income melalui nuffnang kot noh? Tabung apa tah hat sapa sapa click akan ada duit masuk kt account kita tu, aku pun pernah ada gak dulu tp lupalah, kalau aku check skrg ni agak agak ada berapa juta dlm account aku tu? LOL tak lawak

So aku sbg seorang blogger (Cehhh) berbangga la jugak dgn kejayaan yg dimiliki beliau, gila betoi dpt duit dgn tulis blog jaaa. Weh nak jugak !!! Tp klu nk diikutkan mmg patut pun dia dpt income sebanyak tu sbb dia punya blog quite informative tau, cerita pasai isu semasa, beauty tips, tutorial utk begginer blogger and mcm mcm lagi la. So pada sapa sapa yg nak kenai sapa dia Lyssa Faizureen yg aku duk cerita ni boleh klik kat sini ---> Blog Lyssa Cantik  

P/s : Ramai cakap muka lyssa ni iras pelakon dlm cerita Hello Mr. Perfect !

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

"You gonna miss me when im gone" (Gitewww)
Thursday 26 November 2015 ?0 Awesome People?
Bonjour ! The school session is over gais. So im having like very very very long holiday to spent ! Almost 9 months. What? Yes 9 months. Even sampai ada certain my friends cakap "Kalau hg menikah la, hg dah boleh beranak dalam masa 9 bulan tu Cipak" Hahahaha wth.

I got no idea what to do sepanjang 9 months tu, A few of my friends and siblings suggest me to find a job. And that was in my plan. But idk what kind of job that is suite with me. Cashier? No way ! I ni jenis yg having low self confidence tau. I mcm takut takut nk berdepan dgn org ramai, Idk why. I need to do transformation of myself before entering to the Uni. Yes I HAVE TO !

Okay lets get into topic gais. Intro pun dh bapak berjela punya panjang hihi Biane.
Soooo, this year acah acah mcm Final year lah kan fr me as Pre Uni students (bajet duk U). Tbh banyak kenangan yg mcm tertulis, terlakar, tercontiang (Conteng in Kedah Version) sepanjang menjadi Lower and upper Six kat SMK Yan. Haa lower upper engkau dan mcm lagu wi are, wi wi are dh rasanya. Paham dak lagu tu? Haha its Up & down song (Exid). So sepanjang menjalankan tanggungjawab sbg seoarang pelajar kt situ banyak pengalaman yg aku lalui baik suka mahupun duka (bersastera gitu kau jah)

For me this is a very precious memory that ive had in my entire life. Meet the girls and guy yg bapak gila sporting gelak tak tentu hala, korek hidung, kentut, tanya berak dak lagi harini tanpa ada perasaan segan silu.Itu baru nama dia Friendship Goals. Kan? 

Tipulah cakap kalau tk sedih dengan perpisahan yg terjadi ni (ceh ayat mcm baru lepas break hahaha nyampah I). Yalah after this semua mesti dh bawak haluan masing masing kan? Ada yg bercita cita to be a teacher, a chef, a police, a navy, a lect, a psychology and ada jugak yg berangan nk jadi PM okay (semoga tak lame mcm Menteri yg ada skrg ni ops) so waktu tu dh tkda dh nk rasa apa yg kita lalui masa ni, Sebab tu org cakap hargailah zaman persekolahan sebab zaman tu paling bermakna yg boleh bg hg ingat sampai bila bila ! Serious I can feel it tho !

And yaa for remembering our cool memories that we hv create, i managed myself to make a video featuring me and my classmate. Nti rindu rindu bolehla bukak tgok video ni (walaupun entah apa apa) hm feeling lah pulak tetiba, Hahahaha i hate this kind of feeling ! So good luck guys where ever you are, you guys are awesome I SWEAR ! 
ENJOY and much love from me.

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

Its a bored post (DONT READ) !
Sunday 8 November 2015 ?0 Awesome People?
Its already 2.01 am and im still awake. Gaissss my final examination hv been OVER !!! Im being so excited like most of the time. But then im still having kind of repeat paper on the end of this Nov and on Dis. Im not getting nervous yet. LOL
I dont have any idea on what im going to wrote on this post, Help me gaissss ! Give me some point or idea or what im gonna rambling in this blog. 

This post gonna be so bored af.......

I gtg Goodnite bitxh

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

Im still exist !
Tuesday 13 October 2015 ?0 Awesome People?
Hello the silent readers, its been a quite long i didnt updated this messy blog. Idk ive been too busy with what? Tbh i always on internet especially with my beloved lappy like 24/7. I have no idea on what i must wrote and rambling in this blog. I bet no one will read this post !

So ya here im back gaisssss ! Lately, ive been on youtube watching a makeup tutorial, hijab tutorial and more. You know girl stuff right? And i did found a LOTTTTTT of people who did a makeup tutorial and they are MALAYSIANS gaiss ! They were too pretty !!! They also did a haul video and Vlog too. Oh ya they do speak english fluently yes very FLUENT !! I was too insecure with them not only on their appearance but also they speak english fluently and you know what, some of them were just only 14, 15 years old ! You got me right? I just feel that im so useless -.-

So ya here i am writing this kind of post with english language as i want to improve my writing skills and also i wanted to hv a fluent english when i speaks to someone or else. I know this post must be a lot of wrong grammar usage and else. But yes do give me some time for me to learn and improve myself. LOL

Seriously i dont have any idea on what i must write in this post. And yaa, i will be having my final examination on this November. Yep it just only around the corner and im still here doing useless things that doesnt give me any inspiration or what. I didnt study, still not knowing on whats going on? And yaa im being so lame like most of the time. I dont know what is up with me? I laugh too much recently. Im being so nervous like i hv butterflies in my stomach when i thinking of my upcoming final examination. Yes this is my last examination for this sem and yaa you must know that this is my LAST SEMESTERRRR !!!! Im so happy that im mostly completed my study in school as Pre-University students. Im gonna do my best in my final and reach my target ! One of my dream was I wanted to entering to the IPTA like UKM or UPSI insyaallah. 

After i just finished with my examinations and also my repeat paper. I will be having like a very long holiday. Im gonna having 9 months of holiday before i entering to the University. Its quite long right? So ya  hv decided fr getting a job fr spending my time while im on holiday and im still planning. I wanted to earn my own pocket money and going fr getting some therapy fr myself which are SHOPPING ! With my own money that i earn, it will be easier fr me buying that anything that i wanted and ive got myself a driving license and im not driving a car fr almost one year. So ya after ive finished my examination i decided to learn again on how to drive a manual car and ill be easier fr me going out anywhere that i want without i dont hv to beg someone to send me everywhere again. i really hope that all my dreams came true ! Haha im being so fussy.

So gais do pray fr me as im going sit on my final soon and i will updated other post when i hv idea fr me rambling in this un-exist blog. Take care gais, 

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

Expect less, hurt less.
Thursday 23 July 2015 ?0 Awesome People?
Hey there, so honest laa aku cakap kan, aku dah penat nak penuhi expectation org ni. You know expectation like judge lebih-lebih someone tu. It hurts me sometimes sampai aku jadi stresssssssss sangat sangat taktau nk habaq cmna stress tu. Yalah kan org expect lebih kt kita but nahhhh at last.....

Okaylah aku bg example, contohlah kan at first hg ambik exam sem 1 pastu hg ni mcm dikategorikan dalam dean's list laa kan sem 1 tu pastu org mesti laa bangga kan dengan hg dpt result mcm tu sapa tl bangga weh even hg sendiri pun syok kan? Then bila mai sem 2 you know sem 2 its quite tough utk hg and other candy so hg boleh selami kot cmna perasaan berada dlm tekanan tu....Then bila dh smpai hari result day, result hg tak dijangka......which is dushhhhhhhh like a thunderstorm, tsunami, earthquake bila pointer hg gila jatuh bapak merudum tktau nk habaq terhempas berkecai bak serpihan kaca k over. 

And yaaa bila once benda ni jadi other people around you be like......What? Dia tu bukan best students ka sem 1 haritu? And why tetiba merudum....Haaa ni mesti kes bercinta ni dakpun rasa diri tu hebat dah sbb dh dpt title "BEST STUDENT" sem 1 haritu. Hg tgok expectation org lain kt hg hg tengok?! Me just like ^%#$@(&%%!!!!!! -.-

Macam mana tk stress dengan expectation org ni? Sampai hg sendiri rasa malas nk penuhi expectation org ni smpai hg dh tkdk perasaan org nk ckp apa pun pasai hg sampai hg sendiri pun jadi malasssssss nak hadap semua benda ni lagi. Hg akan rasa tu....Layanan pun dh start jd lain and selalu kena perli dlm class.....Aku penat weh penat !!! 

Mcm ni lah berbalik kepada result tadi, aku rasa org lain tak sepatutnya expect melebih lebih kat someone tu sebab bila kita tk dapat capai benda tu kita sendiri yg kecewa kan? Mungkin rezeki tk menyebelahi dia kali ni. Mungkin rezeki dia sem 1 dapat result elok and so on...

Yaa mungkin kdg kdg diri sendiri jugak yg silap dlm menilai expectation org lain, mungkin diri sendiri pun kena lebih byk perbaiki kelemahan diri. Mungkin jugak ni sebagai satu pengajaran kt diri sendiri di mana yg hg perlu ubah cara, sikap hg tu sendiri. Yaa mcm kalau hg selama ni selalu study last minute mungkin this is the right time utk hg start study awai. Mungkin skrg ni Allah nak kita selalu dekat dengan dia melalui mintak doa kt Allah tiap hari and bukannya time nk exam baru kalut nk buat solat tu solat ni doa mcm mcm kan? Salah tu ! And satu lagi niat tu kena betul, niat belajar kerana Allah bukan kerana result. Ingatla rezeki tu boleh mai dgn mcm mcm cara. Kalau Allah tk bg hg kejayaan dlm pelajaran mungkin Allah bg hg rezeki dlm hal yang lain? Aku still ingat motivasi someone kt aku dia selalu ckp "Belajaq ni niat tu kena bg betoi, niat belajaq sbb Allah tau, bukan sebab result, usaha semampu yg boleh, kejayaan tu tak penting tapi Allah pandang usaha kita tu utk berjaya. Dunia ni adil kan?" 

So lepas ni kalau ada someone yg selalu expect lebih lebih kt hg, You just look them in the eye and said 'I AM SORRY, I CANT MEET YOUR EXPECTATION, YOUR EXPECTATION IS JUST LIKE 1 MDB DEBTS. ITS TOO MUCH !!!! *Ayat matluthfi ahaks.

Thanks for reading guys , ILoveYou ♥

Older Post
Its already 12.54 a.m....

I cant sleep so I suddenly decided to write a new post since its been quite long I didnt update my blog. I did not know where should I start first? There's a lot of thing that happened to me. Not really hahaha im just kidding. Lol

Okaylah back to reality I really need to write this post in Malay because i dont want you guys gelakkan aku sebab byk sgt grammar error or what. Okay lets get start !

Actually takdak la banyak benda pun jadi kat aku. Aku saja over. Cuma aku nk kongsi sikitla apa yg terjadi last month (MAC). Based on my previous entry I did post about my semester 3 result kan? And alhamdulillah guys. I DID IT !!! I got 3A and 1B which is 3.58 if im not mistaken. And after a few weeks my full result just release. And ALHAMDULILLAH again. Thanks ALLAH for giving me this oppurtunity for making my parents glad and proud of me. I got 3.67 for my STPM :)

I feel so blessed and grateful. Sejujurnya dulu aku tkdk hati pun kt form 6 ni. Aku qeyau kot time nk daftar tu hahahahaha. Aku jd mcm tu sbb tkdk kawan kot. Ya la surat tawaran dpt form 6 kt Astech tp jauh sangat wehhh. So my parents decide utk hantaq aku belajaq form 6 kt SMK YAN atas sebab dekat dgn rumah. So yaaa aku tamatkan suka duka aku sebagai seorang kanak kanak sekolah lagi di form 6 and yaa sekarang baru aku rasa syokkkkk gila belajaq kt situ. Alhamdulillah my school which is SMKY menjadi antara sekolah terbaik STPM 2015 KEDAH and no 1 kategori luar bandar Daerah KMY. Again i am sooooo proud to be a SMKY form 6 students. A big of thanks to our teachers yg tk putus putus bg kata kata semangat dan dorongan sehingga kami semua mampu ke tahap ini. Tidak lupa juga kepada mak abah kakak abang adik pakcik makcik datuk nenek semua ahli keluarga and rakan rakan seperjuangan yg mendoakan dan beri tunjuk ajar. Alhamdulillah terima kasih semua :')
So yaa thats it for this entry. I shall share with you guys a lottttt of stories on my next post (sebenaqnya tkdk idea dh nk tulis. Do forgive me. hihi)

Okay guys thanks sebab baca. Lot of lovesss 

Dear February...Please be nice to me :)
Monday 1 February 2016 | 08:12 | 0 Awesome People
*Sat otak tengah duk pikiaq intro apa si writer ni nk tulis*
Okay just lets get started ! Hey guyssss its been awhile i didnt update any post on my blog. So yaa this is it ! A New Entry in a New Year which is 2016 !! ( Padahal harini dah masuk bulan February)
To be honest i didnt have any ideas on what im going to share with you guys. Serious talk i am a very lazy personnnnnnnn. Yasssss i admit it ! Regarding on my previous entry i did share with you guys that im going to find a job while im having in my very very very very very longgggggg gap while waiting for entering to the IPT in this September. Insyaallah ameen. Do pray for me people ! 
But then...yaaa its nothing. NOTHING bruh. I didnt force myself to wake uppppp and go find a job. But yaa me feels like so lazyyyyyyyy for searching a job because i did nt hv any transport fr going anywhere. Im so lame. Get it people? Okay im gonna shoot myself with a machine gun *crying*
So im still here laying on my bed while scrolling twitter, instagram, snapchat, checking on my whatsapp, telegram and so on until i get bored with all the stuff. Seriously i hv no life guys. So dont MARRY me ! Lol 
In addition, i would like to add on here that I HATE TOMMOROW !! Because tommorow the result of semester 3 would be announce !!!! Im getting so nervous like i have trillion butterflies chilling in my stomach (which i know this is too mainstream) I dont want to checking out my result. I really really fear the day of tommorow (Overrr-kan?) hm but that was a fact that i really hv to face it no matter what will happen with my result. I hope my result would be nice to me and everything would be fine. I reallyyyyyyyyyy hope that ! I want to make my parents proud of me again as i did my job when i was in semester 1. May the force be with you Syifaa Hahahahahahaha. I really hope that i can make my parents smile with my result again. I really hope. Besides Goodluck to all my friends and all STPM candidates fr the result tmrw. May Allah gives us a flying colours result which could makes our parents and our teachers proud of us. Insyaallah Ameen.
OK thats all for this entry. Till we meet again in another post. (Bajetttt ja lebih kan yang sebenarnya I malas nk update blog hahahahahahaha) OK bye. Lots of LOVE from me.
Assalamualaikum :)
Advertisement post hahahahaha weh aku taktau nak tulis apa tolong laaa !!
Tuesday 15 December 2015 | 08:14 | 0 Awesome People
Hella fellas ! I didnt hv so much point on what i must wrote in this updated entry. Do give me some suggestion guys?

Rasa mcm nk bergiat aktif baliklah kat dunia blog ni since kawan kawan aku hat lain pun dh kembali berpijak ke alam nyata. Hahaha no i mean dah kembali terjebak dalam dunia blogger ini wuhuuu ! So update post ai nti tak perlu risau dhla sbb ada org yg baca kahkah

Since my blog quite boring so i decided utk bercakap pasai something lah kan abt isu semasa ka, beauty stuff ka, or apa apa jalah yg hadir dalam kepala otak ni (haaa gitew). Oh ya i still quite curious abt some blogger mcm Lyssa Faizureen yg dpt income abt RM XXXXX.00 dengan hanya tulis blog?I was like what the hell ! Babes tujuh angka kot mana mau cari?! Aku curious la jugak cmna dia boleh peroleh income dgn  hanya tulis blog? TULIS BLOG ONLY OKAY !!! Mungkin sbb followers dia ramai kot, gila bapak la followers dia dlm 60k something kat blog saja tau tak kira lagi yg follow dia kat Fan page, facebook and instagram. Oh im dying ! Kalau hg click kt dia punya link blog kan toksah kata la tiap masa ada blogwalkers. Kiranya blog dia ni tk pernah la tkdk org yg jenguk, Mesti ada punya wlpun hg bukak time 3-4 pagi mesti akan ada jugak 2-3 org yg blogwalking kt dia punya blog (fakta okay sbb aku selalu stalk dia haha)

Mungkin dia dpt income melalui nuffnang kot noh? Tabung apa tah hat sapa sapa click akan ada duit masuk kt account kita tu, aku pun pernah ada gak dulu tp lupalah, kalau aku check skrg ni agak agak ada berapa juta dlm account aku tu? LOL tak lawak

So aku sbg seorang blogger (Cehhh) berbangga la jugak dgn kejayaan yg dimiliki beliau, gila betoi dpt duit dgn tulis blog jaaa. Weh nak jugak !!! Tp klu nk diikutkan mmg patut pun dia dpt income sebanyak tu sbb dia punya blog quite informative tau, cerita pasai isu semasa, beauty tips, tutorial utk begginer blogger and mcm mcm lagi la. So pada sapa sapa yg nak kenai sapa dia Lyssa Faizureen yg aku duk cerita ni boleh klik kat sini ---> Blog Lyssa Cantik  

P/s : Ramai cakap muka lyssa ni iras pelakon dlm cerita Hello Mr. Perfect !

"You gonna miss me when im gone" (Gitewww)
Thursday 26 November 2015 | 08:12 | 0 Awesome People
Bonjour ! The school session is over gais. So im having like very very very long holiday to spent ! Almost 9 months. What? Yes 9 months. Even sampai ada certain my friends cakap "Kalau hg menikah la, hg dah boleh beranak dalam masa 9 bulan tu Cipak" Hahahaha wth.

I got no idea what to do sepanjang 9 months tu, A few of my friends and siblings suggest me to find a job. And that was in my plan. But idk what kind of job that is suite with me. Cashier? No way ! I ni jenis yg having low self confidence tau. I mcm takut takut nk berdepan dgn org ramai, Idk why. I need to do transformation of myself before entering to the Uni. Yes I HAVE TO !

Okay lets get into topic gais. Intro pun dh bapak berjela punya panjang hihi Biane.
Soooo, this year acah acah mcm Final year lah kan fr me as Pre Uni students (bajet duk U). Tbh banyak kenangan yg mcm tertulis, terlakar, tercontiang (Conteng in Kedah Version) sepanjang menjadi Lower and upper Six kat SMK Yan. Haa lower upper engkau dan mcm lagu wi are, wi wi are dh rasanya. Paham dak lagu tu? Haha its Up & down song (Exid). So sepanjang menjalankan tanggungjawab sbg seoarang pelajar kt situ banyak pengalaman yg aku lalui baik suka mahupun duka (bersastera gitu kau jah)

For me this is a very precious memory that ive had in my entire life. Meet the girls and guy yg bapak gila sporting gelak tak tentu hala, korek hidung, kentut, tanya berak dak lagi harini tanpa ada perasaan segan silu.Itu baru nama dia Friendship Goals. Kan? 

Tipulah cakap kalau tk sedih dengan perpisahan yg terjadi ni (ceh ayat mcm baru lepas break hahaha nyampah I). Yalah after this semua mesti dh bawak haluan masing masing kan? Ada yg bercita cita to be a teacher, a chef, a police, a navy, a lect, a psychology and ada jugak yg berangan nk jadi PM okay (semoga tak lame mcm Menteri yg ada skrg ni ops) so waktu tu dh tkda dh nk rasa apa yg kita lalui masa ni, Sebab tu org cakap hargailah zaman persekolahan sebab zaman tu paling bermakna yg boleh bg hg ingat sampai bila bila ! Serious I can feel it tho !

And yaa for remembering our cool memories that we hv create, i managed myself to make a video featuring me and my classmate. Nti rindu rindu bolehla bukak tgok video ni (walaupun entah apa apa) hm feeling lah pulak tetiba, Hahahaha i hate this kind of feeling ! So good luck guys where ever you are, you guys are awesome I SWEAR ! 
ENJOY and much love from me.

Its a bored post (DONT READ) !
Sunday 8 November 2015 | 10:07 | 0 Awesome People
Its already 2.01 am and im still awake. Gaissss my final examination hv been OVER !!! Im being so excited like most of the time. But then im still having kind of repeat paper on the end of this Nov and on Dis. Im not getting nervous yet. LOL
I dont have any idea on what im going to wrote on this post, Help me gaissss ! Give me some point or idea or what im gonna rambling in this blog. 

This post gonna be so bored af.......

I gtg Goodnite bitxh
Im still exist !
Tuesday 13 October 2015 | 11:12 | 0 Awesome People
Hello the silent readers, its been a quite long i didnt updated this messy blog. Idk ive been too busy with what? Tbh i always on internet especially with my beloved lappy like 24/7. I have no idea on what i must wrote and rambling in this blog. I bet no one will read this post !

So ya here im back gaisssss ! Lately, ive been on youtube watching a makeup tutorial, hijab tutorial and more. You know girl stuff right? And i did found a LOTTTTTT of people who did a makeup tutorial and they are MALAYSIANS gaiss ! They were too pretty !!! They also did a haul video and Vlog too. Oh ya they do speak english fluently yes very FLUENT !! I was too insecure with them not only on their appearance but also they speak english fluently and you know what, some of them were just only 14, 15 years old ! You got me right? I just feel that im so useless -.-

So ya here i am writing this kind of post with english language as i want to improve my writing skills and also i wanted to hv a fluent english when i speaks to someone or else. I know this post must be a lot of wrong grammar usage and else. But yes do give me some time for me to learn and improve myself. LOL

Seriously i dont have any idea on what i must write in this post. And yaa, i will be having my final examination on this November. Yep it just only around the corner and im still here doing useless things that doesnt give me any inspiration or what. I didnt study, still not knowing on whats going on? And yaa im being so lame like most of the time. I dont know what is up with me? I laugh too much recently. Im being so nervous like i hv butterflies in my stomach when i thinking of my upcoming final examination. Yes this is my last examination for this sem and yaa you must know that this is my LAST SEMESTERRRR !!!! Im so happy that im mostly completed my study in school as Pre-University students. Im gonna do my best in my final and reach my target ! One of my dream was I wanted to entering to the IPTA like UKM or UPSI insyaallah. 

After i just finished with my examinations and also my repeat paper. I will be having like a very long holiday. Im gonna having 9 months of holiday before i entering to the University. Its quite long right? So ya  hv decided fr getting a job fr spending my time while im on holiday and im still planning. I wanted to earn my own pocket money and going fr getting some therapy fr myself which are SHOPPING ! With my own money that i earn, it will be easier fr me buying that anything that i wanted and ive got myself a driving license and im not driving a car fr almost one year. So ya after ive finished my examination i decided to learn again on how to drive a manual car and ill be easier fr me going out anywhere that i want without i dont hv to beg someone to send me everywhere again. i really hope that all my dreams came true ! Haha im being so fussy.

So gais do pray fr me as im going sit on my final soon and i will updated other post when i hv idea fr me rambling in this un-exist blog. Take care gais, 

Expect less, hurt less.
Thursday 23 July 2015 | 10:19 | 0 Awesome People
Hey there, so honest laa aku cakap kan, aku dah penat nak penuhi expectation org ni. You know expectation like judge lebih-lebih someone tu. It hurts me sometimes sampai aku jadi stresssssssss sangat sangat taktau nk habaq cmna stress tu. Yalah kan org expect lebih kt kita but nahhhh at last.....

Okaylah aku bg example, contohlah kan at first hg ambik exam sem 1 pastu hg ni mcm dikategorikan dalam dean's list laa kan sem 1 tu pastu org mesti laa bangga kan dengan hg dpt result mcm tu sapa tl bangga weh even hg sendiri pun syok kan? Then bila mai sem 2 you know sem 2 its quite tough utk hg and other candy so hg boleh selami kot cmna perasaan berada dlm tekanan tu....Then bila dh smpai hari result day, result hg tak dijangka......which is dushhhhhhhh like a thunderstorm, tsunami, earthquake bila pointer hg gila jatuh bapak merudum tktau nk habaq terhempas berkecai bak serpihan kaca k over. 

And yaaa bila once benda ni jadi other people around you be like......What? Dia tu bukan best students ka sem 1 haritu? And why tetiba merudum....Haaa ni mesti kes bercinta ni dakpun rasa diri tu hebat dah sbb dh dpt title "BEST STUDENT" sem 1 haritu. Hg tgok expectation org lain kt hg hg tengok?! Me just like ^%#$@(&%%!!!!!! -.-

Macam mana tk stress dengan expectation org ni? Sampai hg sendiri rasa malas nk penuhi expectation org ni smpai hg dh tkdk perasaan org nk ckp apa pun pasai hg sampai hg sendiri pun jadi malasssssss nak hadap semua benda ni lagi. Hg akan rasa tu....Layanan pun dh start jd lain and selalu kena perli dlm class.....Aku penat weh penat !!! 

Mcm ni lah berbalik kepada result tadi, aku rasa org lain tak sepatutnya expect melebih lebih kat someone tu sebab bila kita tk dapat capai benda tu kita sendiri yg kecewa kan? Mungkin rezeki tk menyebelahi dia kali ni. Mungkin rezeki dia sem 1 dapat result elok and so on...

Yaa mungkin kdg kdg diri sendiri jugak yg silap dlm menilai expectation org lain, mungkin diri sendiri pun kena lebih byk perbaiki kelemahan diri. Mungkin jugak ni sebagai satu pengajaran kt diri sendiri di mana yg hg perlu ubah cara, sikap hg tu sendiri. Yaa mcm kalau hg selama ni selalu study last minute mungkin this is the right time utk hg start study awai. Mungkin skrg ni Allah nak kita selalu dekat dengan dia melalui mintak doa kt Allah tiap hari and bukannya time nk exam baru kalut nk buat solat tu solat ni doa mcm mcm kan? Salah tu ! And satu lagi niat tu kena betul, niat belajar kerana Allah bukan kerana result. Ingatla rezeki tu boleh mai dgn mcm mcm cara. Kalau Allah tk bg hg kejayaan dlm pelajaran mungkin Allah bg hg rezeki dlm hal yang lain? Aku still ingat motivasi someone kt aku dia selalu ckp "Belajaq ni niat tu kena bg betoi, niat belajaq sbb Allah tau, bukan sebab result, usaha semampu yg boleh, kejayaan tu tak penting tapi Allah pandang usaha kita tu utk berjaya. Dunia ni adil kan?" 

So lepas ni kalau ada someone yg selalu expect lebih lebih kt hg, You just look them in the eye and said 'I AM SORRY, I CANT MEET YOUR EXPECTATION, YOUR EXPECTATION IS JUST LIKE 1 MDB DEBTS. ITS TOO MUCH !!!! *Ayat matluthfi ahaks.

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